SOS4LOVE PROJECT Name : Nanda Aurelia Grade : 12 MIPA 7 Number : 19 WEEK 1 Photo With Astronot SDGs: 6. CLEAN WATER and SANITATION Water is the source of life, without which you cannot live. Let's keep the water, for survival. All living things need water, without water there is no life. Therefore, the provision of clean water is one of the main needs for human survival. One of the problems in Indonesia is the amount of clean water. In Indonesia, there are still many people who lack clean water, this is due to several factors such as garbage disposal in rivers, drought in various areas, and clean water sources that are far from residential areas. With SDGs number 6, I invite you to appreciate clean water by maintaining and using clean water as well as possible. The way to keep clean water does not throw garbage into rivers and such as clean water sources. WEEK 2 Photo with helmet SDGs: ...