

 Make Martabak Manis Hello, my name is Nanda Aurelia. Today I teach my sister to cook martabak manis. I teach this to my sister because my sister has never cooked this martabak manis. My sister and I always exchange recipes and sometimes make meals together. Like one week ago, my sister and I made the bolu kukus mekar.  The ingredients needed, 12 tablespoons flour, 3 tablespoons granulated sugar, ⅓ tsp salt, ⅓ tsp vanilla, 1 egg, 300 ml water, ½ tsp baking soda. Toppings needed butter, mesis, cheese and chocolate. Enter 12 tablespoons of flour into the container, add 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar, ¼ tsp salt, ¼ tsp vanilla, 1 egg, 300 ml water. Then stir well until all the ingredients are mixed. If the dough is well blended, cover it with a clean cloth and wait for 1 hour. After 1 hour, open the cloth then stir briefly. ¼ tsp baking soda and dissolved in 1 tbsp water. Enter into the dough that will be printed first, then mix well. Pour in the mixture, then shake to form a ...


NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION flowers have a lot of indescribable beauty. Nama   : Nanda Aurelia Kelas    : 12 MIPA 7 Absen   : 19


 SOS4LOVE PROJECT  Name      : Nanda Aurelia  Grade     : 12 MIPA 7 Number :        19 WEEK 1 Photo With Astronot  SDGs: 6. CLEAN WATER and SANITATION  Water is the source of life, without which you cannot live. Let's keep the water, for survival. All living things need water, without water there is no life. Therefore, the provision of clean water is one of the main needs for human survival. One of the problems in Indonesia is the amount of clean water. In Indonesia, there are still many people who lack clean water, this is due to several factors such as garbage disposal in rivers, drought in various areas, and clean water sources that are far from residential areas. With SDGs number 6, I invite you to appreciate clean water by maintaining and using clean water as well as possible. The way to keep clean water does not throw garbage into rivers and such as clean water sources. WEEK 2 Photo with helmet  SDGs: ...

Why did the Lapindo Mudflow happen?

Class : Mipa 7'18 Member of group :  1. Dian Nita Dwi  A (11) 2. Friska Triana Dewi (15) 3. Hidayatullah Arya W (17) 4. Nanda Aurelia (19)  5. Umi Fauziyyah Firdausi (31)


POSTER Nama : Nanda Aurelia Kelas  : XI MIPA 7 Absen: 19




The Use of Pesticides is Bad for the Environment Reflection:  Every day I take care of plants in my yard, from watering flowers to giving pesticides when plants are attacked by pests. I think the negative effects caused by pesticides are few, but I am wrong to use pesticides that have a negative impact on the soil, and the environment. The continuous use of pesticides can cause damage to the environment, poison animals and even poison humans. Wisdom: Chemicals absorbed by plants and plant residues released by soil microbes leave chemicals in the soil. Over time these chemicals will reduce soil fertility. Excessive use of pesticides not only causes damage to plants but also makes plant growth become abnormal. The use of pesticides can also kill soil fauna thereby reducing soil fertility. The continued use of pesticide fertilizers can cause the soil to become more acidic. In addition, the actual use of pesticides will have a negative impact on the surrounding land. Ac...